Thank you, Soraya. Nice to have you here. Whether we're Filipina or Malaysian or American, we've got one thing in common, we're all citizens of the global village.
Queen, in answer to your question, here is something from :
If palindromes are words which are the same spelt backwards, what is the word for a word which is another word spelt backwards?
There is no generally accepted term. The simplest word for such words is something like semi-palindrome or half-palindrome. However, some other suggestions have been made, including the elegant heteropalindrome, the ugly reversgram (or better, reversible anagram), and the outrageous semordnilap!
The sentence 'rats live on no evil star' is full of these semi-palindromes.
Kak Teh got better idea??
Jokontan, thanks! Pssstt... dunno if I can keep to that 2-2-2 formula.
Lydia, haoya - why no online ? I have not publicised the aericle that i wrote - but many people wrote to me..are you The kak tehhhhh, hehehe - and I didnt put the url too. anyway, do go to We are beng discussed there too. Imagine..hehehe the two Teh's published in the same week!! and its not being planned - on the same subject. That shd tell us something, eh, Teh?
Elmo, you're entitled to your opinion. And you need not visit again or you'll be at risk of being bored to death . I shall not be held liable for a blogger's death by boredom, so be warned. It's interesting to note that you've just started your first blogging post today. I might be wrong but I'm speculating that you created this a/c just so you can comment here. I'm flattered that you've taken the trouble to do so.
A little bird told me....Thats how I got here. Now why didn't they have an online version. I didn't have the Star that day but I'd love to read up about bloggers and blogs and with a heading like "Confessions of a Blog Addict" My, my, now that'll surely capture my attention and imagination. Sigh... I wish they had it online.
hi lydia wah, what buzz! many people can put 2 and 2 together..and many people are just as quick on the palindromes. Plus most people are just plain curious and you've piqued them in the right place. If they read InTech, they can sure Google their way to you somehow ;-)
wah, aidyl het, I believe you when you said you are an addict. Since encouraging you to start this blog, i believe your blog has more features than mine..and now change template sumore! kak het.
Lydia, read your article last night. It was just slapped in the face real hard. Especially on the hubby not understanding and thinking this as a waste of time. I am still trying to hide from him the existence of my blog hehehe. Whenever I was writing an entry at the Pc he will ask what I was doing and I would say it's nothing. hehehe
Kak Het, you caught me there. In the process of changing template. I just realized most people came here using Internet explorer and the fonts look so gigantic with IE like Mr. Wolf's eyes, so better streamline a bit.
Auntyn, nice to see you here. When he comes behind you, you quickly minimise your blog-lah and pretend you're checking your email.
Read the star In-tech column the other day, noticed your name were spelled backwards,give a quick search and were surprise to find your blog just with that. I've browse through, and... I like it. I've been reading and blogging for 6 months now and think your blog is among the best that i've read, top of the list. Keep it up.
Elmo, I had a hunch that you came after reading The Star. That's two hunches proven. This blog is about things which are close to my heart, the stuff that happens in my daily life and anything else that takes my fancy. Granted, what may be interesting to one, may be dead boring to another : to each her own. Perhaps in the course of your snooping around, you may later find something which interests you. I'm still feeling my way around the blog.
My wife would feel like an eel after office. My home is equipped with wifi network for years (PCs already there for 20yrs +) yet she used to ask me which is an icon of Firefox. Sometime I have to eat Cintan mee for dinner!
So, how could you manage to become a writer+reader+mother+wife+goer&++?
Robert, thanks for dropping by. That's an interesting choice of words you use : feel like an eel. Does it mean floppy with exhaustion?
How do I manage to be w+r+++...? Delegate. Housework to the cleaning lady and the kids (they used to wash the toilets at one time but not anymore...), lunch to the kopitiam, you get the drift? Aiya, but still lots of things I have do do on my own, that's why cannot add more ++ to the list. As for instant noodles, I never cook Cintan for my family.
Lydia, Seemed that you can do do many things at once!
In Hokkian, "eat snake" means disinclined to work whereas "like eel" resembling an eel in being soft, slip and sinuous on bed. The symptom which could somehow something be sensed from this exchange:
Me (at work): "Eh laucharboo, please get me a cup of coffee" My wife (sinuous on sofa): "hiya! silauang, don't call me lah, am not free in watching tv. Save your work and 'eat yourself' lah"
I used to be muted. Usually I would get up, exerting my waist few times, hammer her head slenderly using my middle finger, then went to blend my coffee. Finally and probably she would jump out of sofa to have a tip when she had smelt the coffee!
Lydia, Seemed that you can do do many things at once!
In Hokkian, "eat snake" means disinclined to work whereas "like eel" resembling an eel in being soft, slip and sinuous on bed. The symptom which could somehow something be sensed from this exchange:
Me (at work): "Eh laucharboo, please get me a cup of coffee" My wife (sinuous on sofa): "hiya! silauang, don't call me lah, am not free in watching tv. Save your work and 'eat yourself' lah"
I used to be muted. Usually I would get up, exerting my waist few times, hammer her head slenderly using my middle finger, then went to blend my coffee. Finally and probably she would jump out of sofa to have a tip when she had smelt the coffee!
Thank you, Soraya. Nice to have you here. Whether we're Filipina or Malaysian or American, we've got one thing in common, we're all citizens of the global village.
Heh Aidyl, that's a nifty name (now whaddya call it .... when a word is spelt backwards?) Maybe Kak Teh knows?
Hi Lydia,
When KT linked ur Blog in one of her posts, I added ur url in my favourite.
I will try practicing the 2+2+2..
Queen, in answer to your question, here is something from :
If palindromes are words which are the same spelt backwards, what is the word for a word which is another word spelt backwards?
There is no generally accepted term. The simplest word for such words is something like semi-palindrome or half-palindrome. However, some other suggestions have been made, including the elegant heteropalindrome, the ugly reversgram (or better, reversible anagram), and the outrageous semordnilap!
The sentence 'rats live on no evil star' is full of these semi-palindromes.
Kak Teh got better idea??
Jokontan, thanks! Pssstt... dunno if I can keep to that 2-2-2 formula.
Lydia, haoya - why no online ? I have not publicised the aericle that i wrote - but many people wrote to me..are you The kak tehhhhh, hehehe - and I didnt put the url too. anyway, do go to We are beng discussed there too. Imagine..hehehe the two Teh's published in the same week!! and its not being planned - on the same subject. That shd tell us something, eh, Teh?
Xmocha, Thanks. Wah, you're also something of a Magnum PI yeah?
KT, you know what they say, great minds think alike!
lydia, waaah, you mentioned kak teh awso in your article! hehe...TQ TQ TQ! Please come over to my blog..silakan!
Can I get it online? Belum beli today's Star.
KT, sama-sama. Thanks for invitation, dah pergi dan balik.
Queen, Not online. It's nicer to read from newspaper but if you can't get it, let me know and I'll email you the article.
This is momx5 (aiyah, not mysterious enuff). Thanks for the mention!
momx5, You're most welcome!
Elmo, you're entitled to your opinion. And you need not visit again or you'll be at risk of being bored to death . I shall not be held liable for a blogger's death by boredom, so be warned. It's interesting to note that you've just started your first blogging post today. I might be wrong but I'm speculating that you created this a/c just so you can comment here. I'm flattered that you've taken the trouble to do so.
A little bird told me....Thats how I got here. Now why didn't they have an online version. I didn't have the Star that day but I'd love to read up about bloggers and blogs and with a heading like "Confessions of a Blog Addict" My, my, now that'll surely capture my attention and imagination. Sigh... I wish they had it online.
lydia : I hate to admit it but I used to be blog junkie too (still am but on a lesser scale). Good article - that old familiar feelings ! :-)
Mg, Thanks for visiting and for that little bird who told you. If you'll let me have your email, I can send you the article (my add's on the blog).
Mak Andeh, Welcome fellow junkie. We have to encourage each other to keep the habit under control.
hi lydia
wah, what buzz! many people can put 2 and 2 together..and many people are just as quick on the palindromes. Plus most people are just plain curious and you've piqued them in the right place. If they read InTech, they can sure Google their way to you somehow ;-)
Maya, you're very astute ;-)
wah, aidyl het, I believe you when you said you are an addict. Since encouraging you to start this blog, i believe your blog has more features than mine..and now change template sumore! kak het.
Lydia, read your article last night. It was just slapped in the face real hard. Especially on the hubby not understanding and thinking this as a waste of time. I am still trying to hide from him the existence of my blog hehehe. Whenever I was writing an entry at the Pc he will ask what I was doing and I would say it's nothing. hehehe
Kak Het, you caught me there. In the process of changing template. I just realized most people came here using Internet explorer and the fonts look so gigantic with IE like Mr. Wolf's eyes, so better streamline a bit.
Auntyn, nice to see you here. When he comes behind you, you quickly minimise your blog-lah and pretend you're checking your email.
Read the star In-tech column the other day, noticed your name were spelled backwards,give a quick search and were surprise to find your blog just with that. I've browse through, and... I like it. I've been reading and blogging for 6 months now and think your blog is among the best that i've read, top of the list. Keep it up.
Chenkok, thank you for your compliment. After that knock up there, this is the balm to soothe it. Keep blogging!
Elmo, I had a hunch that you came after reading The Star. That's two hunches proven. This blog is about things which are close to my heart, the stuff that happens in my daily life and anything else that takes my fancy. Granted, what may be interesting to one, may be dead boring to another : to each her own. Perhaps in the course of your snooping around, you may later find something which interests you. I'm still feeling my way around the blog.
Jane, thanks. Send me an email and I'll zap it over.
My wife would feel like an eel after office. My home is equipped with wifi network for years (PCs already there for 20yrs +) yet she used to ask me which is an icon of Firefox. Sometime I have to eat Cintan mee for dinner!
So, how could you manage to become a writer+reader+mother+wife+goer&++?
Robert, thanks for dropping by. That's an interesting choice of words you use : feel like an eel. Does it mean floppy with exhaustion?
How do I manage to be w+r+++...? Delegate. Housework to the cleaning lady and the kids (they used to wash the toilets at one time but not anymore...), lunch to the kopitiam, you get the drift? Aiya, but still lots of things I have do do on my own, that's why cannot add more ++ to the list. As for instant noodles, I never cook Cintan for my family.
Only Maggi Mee : fast to cook, good to eat.
Lydia, Seemed that you can do do many things at once!
In Hokkian, "eat snake" means disinclined to work whereas "like eel" resembling an eel in being soft, slip and sinuous on bed. The symptom which could somehow something be sensed from this exchange:
Me (at work): "Eh laucharboo, please get me a cup of coffee"
My wife (sinuous on sofa): "hiya! silauang, don't call me lah, am not free in watching tv. Save your work and 'eat yourself' lah"
I used to be muted. Usually I would get up, exerting my waist few times, hammer her head slenderly using my middle finger, then went to blend my coffee. Finally and probably she would jump out of sofa to have a tip when she had smelt the coffee!
Lydia, Seemed that you can do do many things at once!
In Hokkian, "eat snake" means disinclined to work whereas "like eel" resembling an eel in being soft, slip and sinuous on bed. The symptom which could somehow something be sensed from this exchange:
Me (at work): "Eh laucharboo, please get me a cup of coffee"
My wife (sinuous on sofa): "hiya! silauang, don't call me lah, am not free in watching tv. Save your work and 'eat yourself' lah"
I used to be muted. Usually I would get up, exerting my waist few times, hammer her head slenderly using my middle finger, then went to blend my coffee. Finally and probably she would jump out of sofa to have a tip when she had smelt the coffee!
Robert, OIC..., wah ma ai lim kopi. Thanks.
Em&Em, on its way...
You Got it!
This time am itching. is mine.
put3put4, welcome to the blogosphere.
been reading ur blog but never left any comment. wonder if you can zap the article to me too? pretty please :)
Hi ewok, thanks for dropping in. Zapped.
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